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Ensure your app's visibility

Much more than ensuring the quality of the app, developers need to make sure it reaches the target audience through app campaigns.

When you pick up your cell phone and count the number of apps you have at your disposal, you'll find that many of them are popular or badly needed – for example, your bank app or major social networks like Facebook and Instagram.

But what has prompted you to download other apps that are not so well known, or that have been released recently? It could have been the app store optimization (ASO) or, more possibly, the campaign run by the company that developed the app.

It's no use having the best platform in your hand if customers don't get to know it. That's why an app campaign needs to be done well.

Perform above expectations with Performa Web's digital marketing services.

Talk to an Expert

How Can We Help You?

Our team of media management experts are highly skilled and can help you develop strategies and campaigns for apps.

You may want to publicize its existence or release, or tell you that there are changes or updates available. In any case, Performa Web can help you achieve your goals and achieve the best results.

Learn how we work with our app campaigns services:

  • Definition of the campaign's objective for app;
  • Target audience segmentation;
  • Choosing the most appropriate social media and/or websites to promote the application (taking into account your persona study);
  • Budget definition;
  • Execution and monitoring of campaigns;
  • Recurring optimizations to achieve the best results;
  • Recurring results reporting, market monitoring and competitor analysis.

Again, the importance of adapting the campaign according to your target audience is reinforced. When a target audience is young, betting on social media will also be a good idea. Specifically talking about the places where you will advertise, it is known that Google provides some means for you to do so (by using the ads mode). They are:

  • On Google's own search site;
  • Google Play;
  • YouTube;
  • Google Display Network.

In addition, we work based on 4 main pillars:


We use technology in all our digital marketing processes and services. Technology helps us automate processes, improve performance and continuously improve our campaigns.


In our operational pillar, PW's team of media specialists works throughout the process of optimizing the structure of campaigns. This process is recurrent and aims at continuous improvement of performance.


In the tactical pillar, we seek to have as much contact as possible with our customers and partners, acting with a sense of urgency and transparency throughout the entire process.


Our media managers are responsible for maintaining campaigns and constantly reviewing their performance. In this pillar, we regularly review the efficiency of the advertisements based on the achievement of our clients' goals and objectives.

Knowing the importance that this kind of advertising will have for the future of your business, all that may be left for us to say is that it shouldn’t be put on the back burner. With that in mind, hiring a marketing team that has experience in app campaigns and social networks is the best solution for your business.

Get in touch with Performa Web's team of experts. We have the expertise you need to increase your application's visibility.

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Talk to our experts and find out how Performa web can help you transform your business.

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